Edward Kelk's Death Certificate 1878
Edward Kelk's Death Certificate 1878
Edward Kelk's Enlistment in the 52nd Regiment of Foot September 17th 1806.
It states that Edward was 15 years and 4' 10" tall, with fresh complexion, round visage, grey eyes and light brown hair.
The first document says he was 13 and the second says 15. But in reality he was 12 years old.
(When Edward was discharged from the 52nd in 1830, he was 5' 11" tall)
Edward Kelk
By 1830 Edward had been in the British army for 23 years, 9 months and 20 days. But in his first four years of service, Edward was 'under age' and so those years were not credited towards his pension.
With the added two year 'Waterloo bonus'... Edward should have been given credit for 26 years of service.
While still in the army and stationed in Hull Yorkshire, Edward married Mary Darcy in Drypool, Yorkshire on March 19, 1821. In June 1821 the Regiment moved to Ireland and in July 1823 moved to Halifax. They had 3 children while he was still with the 52nd in Halifax. Mary must have been one of the six wives per company allowed to travel to Canada and live with the garrison.
After Edward's retirement from the army in 1830, the family remained in Halifax until at least 1835 before moving to Ontario. Records indicate that by 1837 he and his family were living in Hamillton.
1851 Census Hamilton City, Canada West
The 52nd Oxfordshire Foot was very active during the 24 years Edward was a member of the regiment. We can follow his involvement from the Peninsular and Napoleonic Wars (1806-1815)
to his stationing in Halifax in the 1820's and his discharge in 1830.
To try to increase the number of recruits in the 19th century, boys from the age of 12-15 were encouraged to join up, though each regiment was only allowed up to 2 per cent per establishment. They served an apprenticeship until they reached the normal age for enlistment of 18. Nearly 75 per cent of the boys recruited underwent training as musicians (i.e. drummers and buglers).
Drummers formed part of the rank and file but were paid better than privates, reflecting the skilled nature of their job. Drummers in the army had to be able to play as many as 170 different drum signals + music. Some signals were for daily routines such as reveille while others were for assembling an entire command or summoning specific groups such as sergeants or officers.
In early records I found Edward listed as 'drummer' and later when older as a 'bugler'.
As the 52nd's badge demonstrates, the bugle was an essential part of the workings of the light infantry regiment. While most regiments of the time fought in tight formation, allowing easy administration of orders, light infantry worked in small groups, in advance of the main line, so complicated bugle calls were developed to pass orders. Consequently, the bugle became the emblem of the light infantry regiments.
At the Battle of Waterloo, Edward was a bugler. The average age of a drummer/bugler on the Waterloo battlefield was 23 with 8 years experience, making them some of the most experienced soldiers in the battle.
Edward was aged 20.... with 9 years experience.
The Waterloo Medal Roll and the Military General Service Medal Roll have Edward listed as 'private', indicating he was an active infantry soldier in his role as bugler and stood beside his captain in the front line.
Edward Kelk's Involvement in the Peninsula War
This is the record of Edward's involvement in the Peninsular War with indicated to the Military General Service Medal that he received. The MGSM was a campaign medal issued years later in 1848, to officers and men of the British Army who fought in the Peninsular War. As this shows, Edward was assigned to the 1st company and therefore involved in almost every battle in which the 52nd participated. In the time Edward was with the 52nd, he was involved in 12 out of the 15 possible battle engagements. Edward received an astounding 12 clasps! Only 18 members of his regiment of over 1200 men received 12 clasps. For the whole of the British army, the record for the MGSM was 15 clasps.
The first 5 clasps were awarded to Edward for battles he participated in under the age of 18.
He was only 14 years old at Talavera.
The notation (Canada) refers to where he was living when the medal was issued.
The Waterloo Medal was issued in 1816–17 to every soldier present at The Battle of Waterloo. The soldier was known and described as a 'Waterloo Man'. They were also credited with two years extra service and pay (take a look at Edward's discharge records below and you will see this was added to his 'amount of service').
Waterloo Campaign 1815
The 52nd were assigned to Lt-Gen Hill's II Corps, as part of the 2nd Division's 3rd Brigade, under General Adam. As a response to Napoleon's movements, on 15 June, II Corps were posted west and southwest of Brussels, with a cavalry screen. Wellington's forward army engaged the French at Quatre Bras on 16 June, but he later fell back to remain in contact with his Prussian allies, who had retreated following the Battle of Ligny, and took position near the village of Waterloo.
The field at Waterloo was 5.5 km wide, with two parallel ridges running west to east, creating a shallow valley 1.4 km across. The Allies took position on the northern ridge. As the army prepared for battle in 18 June, the 2nd Division were initially held in reserve, placed in the centre left, behind Major-General Cooke's 1st Division. Following the French cavalry's battering of the British squares over the afternoon, Adam's brigade was brought up to reinforce the right] In this position the 52nd endured a heavy bombardment, of which Ensign Leeke of the 52nd reported afterwards "the old officers, who had served during the whole of the Peninsular War, stated that they were never exposed to such a cannonade as the 52nd squares had to undergo on this occasion for 2½ hours from French artillery ½ mile to the front". While the 52nd's squares stood waiting, British artillery fired over their heads.
Activity was happening elsewhere on the field, however, and as the battle drew to a close, Napoleon's Middle Guard launched an assault on the British line, to the 52nd's left, and were met by a number of regiments including the 1st Foot Guards, who repulsed the 3rd Chasseurs, but had to themselves retreat when the 4th Chasseurs moved forward to threaten their left. In late afternoon the 52nd, under Sir John Colborne, was 'in line' (10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1) and wheeled to the left, deploying parallel to the French column, and fired volleys against their left flank. William Hay, a Light Dragoon watching from the right, later recalled that "so well-directed a fire was poured in, that down the bank the Frenchmen fell and, I may say, the battle of Waterloo was gained."Seeing the 52nd begin an advance, Wellington reputedly ordered "Go on, Colborne, they won't stand!"; the battalion then advanced diagonally across the field. When this was later followed by a bayonet charge by all of General Adam's 3rd Brigade, the Guard broke, forced into full retreat. Having pursued the French down the escarpment of Mont St Jean, the 52nd crossed the valley floor (that at the start of the battle had separated the armies) and on the other side attacked a square of Old Guard (part of the personal body guard of Napoleon,) that had formed up to the British right of the inn La Belle Alliance and forced it to retreat.
The 52nd were the largest battalion at Waterloo, and one of the few British battalions operating at full strength. Of the 1,130 men and officers present, 168 were wounded, and 38 killed.
Edward Kelk was in No 10 Company 1st Battalion 52nd Foot under the command of Captain John Shedden. The 52nd Regiment was in the right wing of the British formation during the Battle.
Later History
The 52nd was sent to Paris after Waterloo and was the first regiment to march into the city where it remained garrisoned until 1818. Edward was now a member of the regimental band.
Officer and men of the 52nd Oxfordshire Light Infantry, flanked by the 95th Rifle Regiment at the turning point of the Battle of Waterloo 18th June 1815.
Edward was 21 years old.
Edward Kelk Family 1853 Hamilton Directory
To view the full set of Edward's service and discharge records of 1830
Edward's parents were David Kelk and Elizabeth Baston.
He was born in Famouth Cornwall, on April 25th, 1794.
I have found pay records that indicate that Edward was a full time member of the 2nd and 3rd (Provisional) Battalion (Incorporated Militia) November 1838 to March 1842 in Toronto. He was in service service both prior to and after these dates. Records indicate that Edward participated in the Rebellion of 1837.
(His son John was born in Halifax in 1835, son James in Toronto in 1841 and daughter Ellen in Niagara in 1843)
The 1851 Census shows that Edward was now a professional musician living with his family in Hamilton.
(daughter Mary Ann was married and not included in this census)
In 1869, at the age of 75 Edward was still active in the volunteer militia as a Drum Major.... perhaps in more of an honorary role since the records indicate he attended only one day of drill.
age 36
age 57
age 75
This wedding notice indicates that the Edward Kelk family was living in Cobourg, Ontario in 1844.
A man's penmanship can say a lot. Having joined the British army at the age of 12, formal education was not part of Edward's upbringing. In 1830 he retired from the 52nd Regiment as a corporal. While most soldiers were illiterate and signed their discharge papers with 'their mark', Edward's signature in 1830 was quite good and steadily improved as he got older into that of a gentleman.
Sir John Moore wrote of the 52nd in his diary that "it is evident that not only the officers, but that each individual soldier, knows perfectly what he has to do; the discipline is carried on without severity, the officers are attached to the men and the men to the officers."This had much to do with the method of training; unlike other regiments, light infantry officers drilled with the men and were expected to be familiar with drill routines, including weapons training. The ranks also received additional training, and were encouraged to develop initiative and self-direction; while skirmishing in the field they would need to react without direct orders. While most regiments of the time fought in tight formation, allowing easy administration of orders, light infantry worked in small groups, in advance of the main line, so complicated bugle calls were developed to pass orders. Consequently, the bugle became the emblem of the light infantry regiments.
Historical Article:
Drum Major Kelk and Band
Edward Kelk a retired British Army bandsman who had served as a military drummer boy under the Duke of Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo arrived in Hamilton in 1837 accompanied by his wife and five children. The Kelk family settled on James Street North near Stuart Street, and quickly became regular participants in the musical life of the community. Adept in both wind and string instruments the family set about earning their livelihood by teaching music at their residence on James Street. In addition to his drumming expertise, Edward also excelled in the horn and fife, and offered instruction in all three instruments. Shortly after the Kelk family arrived in Hamilton, Edward organized the town’s first military band. Many of the band members, like Kelk, were military veterans and newcomers to Hamilton. Named the Hamilton Amateur Band − it proved so successful that it quickly became a regular part of the town’s social entertainment. In 1840 the band became affiliated with the Sons of Temperance organization and changed its name to the Sons of Temperance Band.
Band Master Kelk was a fine musician and a conservative gentleman who had specific rules on how the Band should run financially. In the summer of 1852 Kelk encountered the wrath of the Sons of Temperance ladies auxiliary. The ladies were planning a soiree in the Mechanics Institute Hall and appealed to Kelk for the services of the Band free of charge. Kelk took great offense to the appeal and refused the request. The disagreement resulted in Kelk and his three sons resigning from the band. Kelk’s successor was Peter Grossman a recent resident of Hamilton who had come to the city to open a music store and music publishing business. The Temperance band eventually broke up and was reformed under the name City Band with Grossman as its leader.
In 1856 the City Band became the nucleus of the Artillery Band, and in 1866 it merged with the 13th Regimental Band with Grossman as bandmaster and Edward Kelk as drum-major. Kelk remained associated with the band until his death in December of 1878.
Edward's Waterloo Medal
Edward received an astounding 12 clasps! The 52nd of Foot was one of the most active regiments during the Peninsular Campaign.
But only 18 soldiers of his regiment of 1200 men received 12 clasps...
and only 87 men out of 26,080 soldiers received 12 clasps!
Returning to England in 1818, the 52nd was garrisoned in the Midlands. In 1821, the regiment was posted to Dublin. Between 1823 and 1830, the regiment was stationed at New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
Edward was discharged from the 52nd Foot in Halifax on September 7th, 1830....
....just ten days short of 24 years of service.
He was 36 years old.
Edward Kelk's Discharge Papers
age 45
In late afternoon the 52nd was on the brow of the hill with the companies 'in line' 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. As a bugler, Edward would have been at the side of Captain John Shedden, probably relaying the order at 7:45 pm for No 10 Company to 'wheel left' along with the other nine companies, and a proceed with an attack on the flank of the oncoming column of French Imperial Guard, ultimately leading to the retreat and eventual route of the French forces.
Regimental Colours
King's Colours
During the Peninsular War, the 52nd fulfilled their dual role as line and light infantry by contributing to fortress assault parties. The companies that led the breach assaults were known as the "Forlorn Hope". It was deemed an act of high honour, since the lead troops faced the greatest danger. The 52nd contributed to the Forlorn Hope at the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. Officers and sergeants who survived would be very likely be put up for battlefield promotions (although it was not assured) while other ranks would receive laurels from their commander also with the chance of promotion being greatly increased. The 52nd, however, offered its own recognition: those who survived the Forlorn Hope at Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz were entitled to wear on their right arm a badge displaying a laurel wreath and the letters "V.S." for "Valiant Stormer". This honour was awarded by the 52nd's commanding officer, and was restricted to the 52nd.
Valiant Storm patch awarded to Edward Kelk
Edward and Mary's marriage certificate March 19, 1821
In 1808 the majority of the 52nd Regiment had returned to England. However a small group of 133 soldiers remained in Spain. These soldiers included Edward Kelk and made up a detachment that fought in the Battle of Talavera.
The 12 Clasps on Edward Kelk's Peninsular War Medal
(click below on the individual battle for information)
I contacted the museum's curator with a request that they look into the clasps be corrected. I thought that the clasps had been inadvertently switched with another medal at some point during its history, perhaps during cleaning. But they assured me that was not possible.
Out of the 26,091 MGSMs awarded, only one recipient received the 'incorrect' 12 clasp configuration appearing on Edward's medal and that was G. Tunnicliffe of the 95th Rifles.
In researching the MGSM medal roll, I found that only one other soldier (J.Slater) in the 52nd Foot had received the 'correct'
12 clasp configuration.....BUT it is not in the museum's collection.
The conclusion to be made is that the mistaken 'incorrect' clasps were an original issue mistake made in 1848
and NOT due to any sort mistakenly exchanged clasps during cleaning/restoration made by the museum.
I surmise that Edward Kelk, being an proud and honourable pensioned soldier and who was still active in Upper Canada's militia...
upon receiving his incorrect MGSM... would have returned it and requested the correct configuration.
I believe the 'returned' medal was secretly kept due to its 12 clasp rarity and value. It must have been sold to a collector and eventually ended up in the Royal Green Jackets Museum.
MSGM Roll provenance (GLEN. APR 1932. REGIMENTAL MUSEUM)
But if i a correct MGSM issued and send to Edward and if so, where was it ?
A correct MGSM was issued to Edward Kelk
It was in the possession of the Kelk family until the 1930's...
and then lost.... and then found!
Here is its incredible story of its being (re)found
There is only one person named Edward Kelk that was awarded the MGSM.
In fact there was only one person with the surname KELK that was awarded the MGSM.
Edward was awarded a 12 clasp MGSM.
However there are TWO existing Military General Service Medals in existence that were issued to Edward Kelk.
The medal pictured above on the right displays the correct 12 clasps awarded to Edward.
It is in the possession of the KELK family.
The medal pictured above on the left is on permanent display at The Royal Green Jackets Museum in Winchester.
The clasps are incorrect. The medal does not contain the TALAVERA clasp - but does contain an incorrect ST SEBASTIAN clasp.
Though my research, I now know that there are TWO existing Military General Service Medals issued to Edward Kelk.
Kelk Family
(correct clasps)
Royal Green Jackets Museum
(incorrect clasps)
My Incredible Search for Edward Kelk's MGSM
In 2013 I began my quest to find Edward's Military General Service Medal.
From the Military General Service Medal Roll I knew there is only one Edward Kelk that was awarded a MGSM.
In fact there was only one person with the surname KELK that was awarded a MGSM.
Miraculously through determination, luck, and the power of the internet I found it. There it was... E. Kelk, 52nd Foot. His MGSM is on permanent display at the Royal Green Jackets Museum in Winchester.
By chance, in order to raise money for their celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, the Regimental Museum said that people could, for a donation, 'adopt' a medal in their collection. That is why Edward's medal showed up on the internet!
I 'adopted' Edward's MGSM and the museum kindly sent me a photograph of Edward's medal.
Immediately I noticed that one of the 12 clasps were incorrect!
Edward's MGSM and his Waterloo Medal.
The medal had the wrong configuration of 12 clasps. It did not contain the TALAVERA clasp which should appear below BUSACO
BUT it does contain the incorrect ST SEBASTIAN clasp.
Edward's correct MGSM along with his Waterloo Medal are shown in the photograph below.
They were proudly worn by Edward until his death in 1878.
They were in the possession of the Kelk family.... and lost in the 1930's (see story below)
My father George Kelk passed away in 2012.
In 2015 while I was sorting through my father's papers, I came upon a letter dated 1986.
It was to my father from a Richard and Beverley W. regarding a visit they had together to discuss
of a pair of medals in their possession since 1982, issued to an E. KELK 52nd FOOT.
Could these possibly be the pair of 'lost' family medals?
I wanted to find Richard and Beverley, but close to thirty years had passed since their 1986 letter.
The trail was very cold. But again through determination, luck, and the power of the internet
I found Richard and Beverley... and we arranged to meet!
In 1982 Richard and Beverley W. purchased a pair of medals issued to E. KELK from a reputable militaria dealer in Toronto. The husband and wife team were history enthusiasts and avidly researched Edward Kelk's life. They were enamored by this 'brave young drummer boy' who grew into a brave soldier,
surviving six years of war, ending with the Battle of Waterloo, for a total of 24 years of service in the 52nd Foot.
In 1986 Beverley had noticed a business sign near where her friend worked with the name KELK. She gathered her courage and made a telephone call. She spoke to my father George. Yes indeed my father remembered the medals from his childhood. He could even remember the correct names of several of the clasps. Richard and Beverley arranged to meet with my father. He immediately recognized and identified the medals as those in his grandfather's house
and was delighted to see the pair once again!
Richard and Beverley have been the caregivers of Edward's medals for 33 years.
I found them to be kindred spirits.
Although the medals were still cherished, Richard and Beverley wanted the story of Edward Kelk's medals
to have a happy ending.
With thanks, Edward's Waterloo and MGSM medals are back within the KELK family.
After his death in 1878, Edward's two medals passed to his eldest son William; then to his eldest son Frederick, who was my great grandfather. My father George Kelk (b.1918) remembers seeing these two medals as a youth, framed on the wall in his grandparent's house.
However the two medals disappeared under mysterious circumstances in the mid 1930's.
My father told of a 'rumour' that his youngest uncle 'pinched' the pair of medals
and pawned them to settle a debt.
to hear Napoleonic Bugle Calls of the Light Infantry
performed by Bugle Major Birkett
100th Regiment of Foot